Sunday, July 8, 2007

Going Home

Mykell and I on the bus to the leaning tower of Pisa.
This thing is heaver than you may think!
American money! yeah!!
Karissa, Cassie, and Kaari on the plane from JFK to SLC.
Rachel, Chelsea, and Sharele waiting for the plane to take off in New York.
We made it to Utah!
We are the same height. That is neat. (and we have matching pants)

The going home day was by far the longest. It took us 27 hours to complete the journey. We started in Florence at 6AM and took a bus to Pisa. We hung out at the airport there for a while then we had the coolest, unexpected experience. We got to go see the leaning tour of Pisa! Yup, it's still leaning, in case you were wondering. The best part of this little excursion was the cost of the bus pass. It was only 90 cents! once we left Piza we had a 10 hour flight to New York. As we walked off the plane we sang "...and I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free..." We were so excited to be back in America. I love America. Our flight to SLC was delayed 3 hours, so it took a little longer to get home, but we made it. What a wonderful trip. I wouldn't have traded these last 30 days for anything.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Wow we are sure good looking!! Seriously, could we get any hotter?